Source code for EffectiveHalos.MassFunction

from . import Cosmology
import numpy as np
from scipy.special import gamma as gamma_fn
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

[docs]class MassFunction: """Class to hold a mass function for halos and associated bias. Implemented Mass Functions: - **Sheth-Tormen**: Sheth & Tormen 1999 analytic mass function. This assumes virialized halos, and uses the critical density from Nakamura & Suto 1997. - **Tinker**: Tinker et al. 2010, eq. 8. This assume a spherical overdensity, the value of which can be specified. - **Crocce**: Crocce et al. 2009, eq. 22. Calibrated from Friends-of-Friends halos with linking length 0.2 - **Bhattacharya**: Bhattacharya et al. 2010, eq. 12. Calibrated from Friends-of-Friends halos with linking length 0.2 Implemented Bias Functions: - **Sheth-Tormen** Sheth-Tormen 2001, eq. 8 Associated to the 'Sheth-Tormen' mass function. - **Tinker**: Tinker et al. 2010, eq. 15. Associated to the 'Tinker' mass function. - **Crocce**: Peak-background split derivation from the 'Crocce' mass function of eq. 22, Crocce et al. 2009. - **Bhattacharya**: Bhattacharya et al. 2010, eq. 18. Associated to the 'Bhattacharya' mass function. Args: cosmology (Cosmology): Class instance containing relevant cosmological information mass_function_name (str): Mass function to use (see above), default: 'Crocce' mass_param (kwargs): Any additional parameters to pass to the class. These include: - tinker_overdensity: (Only for the Tinker mass function): spherical overdensity defining halos, default: 200 Keyword Args: verb (bool): If true output useful messages througout run-time, default: False. """ def __init__(self,cosmology,mass_function_name='Bhattacharya',verb=False,**mass_params): """ Initialize the class by loading the relevant model parameters. """ # Write attributes, if they're of the correct type self.mass_function_name = mass_function_name if isinstance(cosmology,Cosmology): self.cosmology = cosmology else: raise NameError('cosmology attribute must be an instance of the Cosmology class!') # Expansion parameter self.a = 1./(1.+self.cosmology.z) self.verb = verb # Set hyperparameters to default if not specified mass_dict = dict(**mass_params) if mass_function_name=='Tinker': if 'tinker_overdensity' not in mass_dict.keys(): mass_dict['tinker_overdensity']=200. # Define mass-function specific parameters: self._load_mass_function_parameters(mass_dict)
[docs] def mass_function(self,m_h): """ Return the mass function, equal to the number density of halos per unit logarithmic mass interval. This assumes the existence of a universal mass function, with .. math:: dn/d\log_{10}M = f(\sigma(M))\\frac{\\bar{\\rho}_M}{M} \\frac{d\ln\sigma(M)}{d\log_{10}(M)} where :math:`f` is the universal mass function, :math:`\\bar{\\rho}_M` is the mean matter density at redshift zero and :math:`\sigma^2(M)` is the overdensity variance on spheres with a radius given by the Lagrangian radius for mass :math:`M`. For details of the available mass function parametrizations, see the class description. Note: For efficiency, we return the mass function :math:`\\frac{dn}{d\log_{10}(M)}` rather than the standard form :math:`\\frac{dn}{dM}`. Args: m_h (np.ndarray): Array of masses in :math:`h^{-1}M_\mathrm{sun}` units. Returns: np.ndarray: Mass function, :math:`dn/d\log_{10}(M/h^{-1}M_\mathrm{sun})` in :math:`h^3\mathrm{Mpc}^{-3}` units """ logM_h = np.log10(m_h) # log10(M/h^{-1}Msun) dlns_dlogM = self.cosmology.dlns_dlogM_int(logM_h) # Compute peak height sigma = self.cosmology.sigma_logM_int(logM_h) nu = self.delta_c/sigma # Compute universal mass function f(nu) if self.mass_function_name=='Sheth-Tormen': f = nu * self.A_ST * (1. + (self.a_ST * nu**2)**(-self.p_ST)) * np.exp(-self.a_ST * nu**2/2.) elif self.mass_function_name=='Tinker': f = self.alpha*(1.+np.power(self.beta*nu,-2.*self.phi))*pow(nu,2.*self.eta)*np.exp(-self.gamma*nu**2/2.) elif self.mass_function_name=='Crocce': f = self.pA*(np.power(sigma,*np.exp(-self.pc/sigma**2) elif self.mass_function_name=='Bhattacharya': f = self.A0 * np.sqrt(2./np.pi)*np.exp(-self.a0*nu**2./2.)*(1.+(self.a0*nu**2.)**-self.p0)*np.power(self.a0*nu**2.,self.q0/2.) # Return mass function mf = f * self.cosmology.rhoM * dlns_dlogM / m_h return mf
[docs] def linear_halo_bias(self,m_h): """ Compute the linear halo bias, from the peak background split. Associated bias functions are available for each mass function, and more can be user-defined. See the class description for details of the loaded parametrizations. Args: m_h (np.ndarray): Array of masses in :math:`h^{-1}M_\mathrm{sun}` units. Returns: np.ndarray: Linear Eulerian halo bias (dimensionless) """ logM_h = np.log10(m_h) sigma= self.cosmology.sigma_logM_int(logM_h); nu = self.delta_c/sigma; if self.mass_function_name=='Sheth-Tormen': return 1.+(self.a_ST*np.power(nu,2)-1.+2.*self.p_ST/(1.+np.power(self.a_ST*np.power(nu,2),self.p_ST)))/self.delta_c; elif self.mass_function_name=='Tinker': return 1.-self.fit_A*np.power(nu,self.fit_a)/(np.power(nu,self.fit_a)+np.power(self.delta_c,self.fit_a))+self.fit_B*np.power(nu,self.fit_b)+self.fit_C*np.power(nu,self.fit_c); elif self.mass_function_name=='Crocce': return + self.pb*self.delta_c*(self.delta_c/nu)** + (2.*self.pc*np.power(nu,2.))/np.power(self.delta_c,3.) elif self.mass_function_name=='Bhattacharya': return 1. + (self.a0*nu**2.+2.*self.p0/(1.+np.power(self.a0*nu**2.,self.p0))-self.q0) / self.delta_c
[docs] def second_order_bias(self,m_h): """ Compute the second order Eulerian bias, defined as :math:`\\frac{4}{21}b_1^L + \\frac{1}{2}b_2^L` where :math:`b_1^L` and :math:`b_2^L` are the Lagrangian bias parameters. Associated bias functions are available for each mass function, and more can be user-defined. See the class description for details of the loaded parametrizations. Args: - m_h: Mass in :math:`h^{-1}M_\mathrm{sun}` units. Returns: np.ndarray: Quadratic Eulerian halo bias (dimensionless) """ logM_h = np.log10(m_h) sigma= self.cosmology.sigma_logM_int(logM_h); nu = self.delta_c/sigma; if self.mass_function_name=='Crocce': b1L = + self.pb*self.delta_c*(self.delta_c/nu)** + (2.*self.pc*np.power(nu,2.))/np.power(self.delta_c,3.) b2L = (4.*self.pb*self.pc*self.delta_c**2.*(-2.*self.delta_c**2.+self.pc*nu**2.)+nu***(**2.*self.delta_c**4.-4.*(*self.pc*self.delta_c**2.*nu**2.+4.*self.pc**2*nu**4.))/(self.delta_c**6.*(self.pb*self.delta_c**** b2E = 8./21.*b1L + b2L return b2E elif self.mass_function_name=='Bhattacharya': b1L = (self.a0*nu**2.+2.*self.p0/(1.+np.power(self.a0*nu**2.,self.p0))-self.q0) / self.delta_c b2L = (-2*self.a0*nu**2. + self.a0**2.*nu**4. + (4.*self.p0*(self.a0*nu**2. + self.p0 - self.q0))/(1 + (self.a0*nu**2.)**self.p0) - 2.*self.a0*nu**2.*self.q0 + self.q0**2.)/self.delta_c**2. b2E = 8./21.*b1L + b2L return b2E else: raise Exception('Second order bias only implemented for the Crocce and Bhattacharya mass functions.')
def _load_mass_function_parameters(self,mass_dict): """Load internal mass function parameters. Args: mass_function (str): Mass function name (see class description for options). mass_dict (dict): Dictionary of additional parameters. """ if self.mass_function_name=='Sheth-Tormen': # Load mass function parameters and normalization self.p_ST = 0.3 self.a_ST = 0.707 self.A_ST = (1.+2.**(-self.p_ST)*gamma_fn(0.5-self.p_ST)/np.sqrt(np.pi))**(-1.)*np.sqrt(2.*self.a_ST/np.pi) # Compute the spherical collapse threshold of Nakamura-Suto, 1997. Om_mz = self.cosmology._Omega_m() dc0 = (3./20.)*pow(12.*np.pi,2./3.); self.delta_c = dc0*(1.+0.012299*np.log10(Om_mz)); elif self.mass_function_name=='Tinker': self.delta_c = 1.686 # critical density for collapse # MASS FUNCTION PARAMETERS ## Compute model parameters from interpolation given odelta value odelta = mass_dict['tinker_overdensity'] alpha=np.asarray([0.368,0.363,0.385]) beta0=np.asarray([0.589,0.585,0.544]) gamma0=np.asarray([0.864,0.922,0.987]) phi0=np.asarray([-0.729,-0.789,-0.910]) eta0=np.asarray([-0.243,-0.261,-0.261]) odeltas=np.asarray([200,300,400]) self.alpha=interp1d(odeltas,alpha)(odelta) beta0=interp1d(odeltas,beta0)(odelta) gamma0=interp1d(odeltas,gamma0)(odelta) phi0=interp1d(odeltas,phi0)(odelta) eta0=interp1d(odeltas,eta0)(odelta) self.beta = beta0*self.a**-0.2 self.phi = phi0*self.a**0.08 self.eta = eta0*self.a**-0.27 self.gamma = gamma0*self.a**0.01 # BIAS FUNCTION PARAMETERS y = np.log10(odelta); self.fit_A = 1.0 + 0.24*y*np.exp(-np.power(4./y,4.)); self.fit_a = 0.44*y-0.88; self.fit_B = 0.183; self.fit_b = 1.5; self.fit_C = 0.019+0.107*y+0.19*np.exp(-np.power(4./y,4.)); self.fit_c = 2.4; elif self.mass_function_name=='Crocce': self.delta_c = 1.686 # critical density for collapse if'Quijote': if self.verb: print('Using fitted parameters for the Crocce mass function from Quijote simulations ') # Optimal values for the Quijote simulations self.pA = 0.729 = 2.355 self.pb = 0.423 self.pc = 1.318 else: # Optimal values from original simulations self.pA = 0.58*self.a**0.13 = 1.37*self.a**0.15 self.pb = 0.3*self.a**0.084 self.pc = 1.036*self.a**0.024 elif self.mass_function_name=='Bhattacharya': self.delta_c = 1.686 # critical density for collapse def compute_A0(p0,q0): inv_A0 = (2.**(0.5*(-1. - 2.*self.p0 + self.q0))*(gamma_fn(-self.p0 + self.q0/2.) + 2**self.p0*gamma_fn(self.q0/2.)))/np.sqrt(np.pi) return 1./inv_A0 if'Quijote': if self.verb: print('Using fitted parameters for the Bhattacharya mass function from Quijote simulations ') # Optimal values for the Quijote simulations self.a0 = 0.77403116 self.p0 = 0.63685683 self.q0 = 1.66263337 self.A0 = compute_A0(self.p0,self.q0) elif'Abacus': if self.verb: print('Using fitted parameters for the Bhattacharya mass function from Abacus simulations ') # Optimal values for the Quijote simulations self.a0 = 0.86648878 self.p0 = 1.30206972 self.q0 = 1.97133804 self.A0 = 0.35087244 else: # Optimal values from original paper self.a0 = 0.788 self.p0 = 0.807 self.q0 = 1.795 self.A0 = compute_A0(self.p0,self.q0) else: raise NameError('Mass function %s not currently implemented!'%self.mass_function_name)